Dec. 6, 2023

Episode 701 - King Iso

Episode 701 - King Iso
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Abandoned Albums

Keith and King Iso discuss his approach to music as a coping mechanism and his ambition to guide and inspire his children and others who battle with mental health.

King Iso's journey into the world of music started in the pews of his local church, a place where the early whispers of his talent began to echo off the walls. As a young boy drawn to the rhythmic dances of keys and organs, he found a mentor in the most unlikely of figures – a pastor who saw the spark within him and nurtured it by gifting him an organ from the church. This act of kindness set the boy on a path of self-discovery and self-education, as his fingers learned the language of music without formal training.

In time, King Iso's creative heart turned towards the art of words. Poetry was the gateway, a first step towards lyrical expression that laid the foundation for something more – something that beat not just in verses on a page but in the rhythm of songs. His older cousin, Mario, better known as Snake Lucci in the music circles, stepped in as both kin and guide, unveiling the secret world of bar structures and song composition.

As the curtain lifted and the studio lights came on, a pre-teen King Iso walked into a world that would come to define him. King Iso not only honed his craft but also found his voice – a voice that would go on to resonate with fans and fellow artists alike as he continues to carve out his kingdom in music.


King Iso

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